• Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug - Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug - Image 0 of 1
  • Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug - Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug - Image 1 of 1
  • Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug
    Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug
  • Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug
    Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug

Soft Foam Anti-noise Earplug


The Anti-noise Earplugs are made of soft PU foam with a plastic box. They provide comfortable sound insulation for sleep, study, work, and loud events. The bullet-shaped design and smooth surface offer a good seal. To use, rub the earplug, insert it into the ear, and hold until it expands for a lasting seal. They can be customized to meet your needs.


Green, Yellow, Red, Orange, Blue, Pink

Price from $0.197 - $0.575

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 600 -1999 $0.575 2000 -4999 $0.425 5000 -9999 $0.265 10000 -29999 $0.253 30000 -49999 $0.237 50000 + $0.197

Price Includes: 1 color 1 logo 1 location imprint

Imprint Charges Price
Set-up Charge - Silkscreen