• 1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil - 1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil - Image 0 of 0
  • 1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil 1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil
    1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil 1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil

1.87 x 2.12 Custom Apple Shape Magnet 20 Mil


An apple a day keeps you healthy, but a regular sight of custom apple shape full color magnet from over a refrigerator door makes a student conscious.


Multi Color

Price from $0.082 - $1.03

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 100 -249 $1.03 250 -499 $0.419 500 -999 $0.21 1000 -2499 $0.13 2500 -4999 $0.09 5000 + $0.082